{stories and snapshots from my new york city life.}


Friday Photos: So long, Summer!

The kids are back in class, Mr. Softee trucks are harder to spot, and the sweat has finally dried. Yup. Summer's officially over, and I have the pumpkin spice latte in my hand to prove it. It was a brutally hot one up here in the northeast, and I for one welcome the new season with open, angora-covered arms. Still, there are a lot of things I'll be really excited to see again come next June. Until we meet again...

{Bye-bye boating}

{Bye-bye beach towels}

{Bye-bye blueberries}

{Bye-bye long sunny days}

{Bye-bye bathing suits}

{Bye-bye beachgoers}

{Bye-bye park picnics}

{Bye-by seed-spittin' contests}

{Bye-bye vanilla cones}

{Bye-bye beach baby}

{Bye-bye sunbrella}

What are you most looking forward to about fall?


  1. I don't think it's goodbye, more like, see you in a bit! hehe.

    But all of those things above are what I am looking forward to :)


  2. Now if only I could say goodbye to this weather! It just doesn't want to cool down here in Austin. But despite the temperature, I'm embracing fall with pumpkin spice lattes too!

  3. bye bye coney island. i love that place. its a good thing fall is so magical, it makes it a little easier to say goodbye to summer.

  4. I'm sad to give up any of the things listed above, but I do like a little crispness in the air this time of the year. It feels good to shut the ac off and open the windows. The best thing about fall: Pumpkin Pie and new clothes!

  5. Ah, great post and photos! I used to love the ice cream trucks... wish they had them in Greece, instead we have Watermelon trucks!!!

