{stories and snapshots from my new york city life.}


This post is all that and a bag of chips.

If there's one thing I truly hate, it's a phrase that's so done to death I actually want to bring it back to life just so I can kill it again. "Working 24-7" and "Did that, done that, bought the t-shirt" immediately spring to mind. Much like "All that and a bag of chips" or "This, that and the third", an overused phrase can induce nausea and cause me to scrunch up my face like I just ate a lemon or smelled something rotten. And here I am, about to drop today's worst offender in a sentence...

People: I have been on an emotional rollercoaster.

Ugh, I hate that phrase. And I hate myself a little for saying it, but it's accurate so I'm just gonna roll with it. And yes, I realize that's a picture of a ferris wheel, not a rollercoaster. But cut me some slack; I've been on an emotional ferris wheel.

I lost my job. Well, I didn't exactly lose it. It's still sitting up there in an office on the 27th floor, but in a few short weeks I won't be there with it. The counseling center where I've worked for the last three years is closing for financial reasons and at various points over the last four weeks this development has made me anxious, angry, overwhelmed, scared and sad. The hardest part is watching my clients reflect back the exact same feelings.

I'm a psychotherapist--a licensed social worker--and I consider myself very lucky to love (I mean, truly love) the work that I do. I will never get rich doing it, but for me, there is no substitute for enjoying and feeling pride in what I do. So when I learned that this job was ending--a job I was feeling comfortable to continue doing for at least another year--I sat quietly at my desk and cried. Then promptly had a minor freak-out.

Where do I send all my clients for treatment now? You know what a pain it is when you're looking through your insurance handbook looking for a new dentist or gyno that's convenient, competent and geographically desirable? Multiply that endeavor by 56 and you'll know what I've been up to the last four weeks. That's why I've barely posted this past month; my brain is such a jumbled pile of mush that all I can do at the end of the day is watch cruddy reality TV where people over-use dumb phrases like "I've been on an emotional rollercoaster".

Thankfully, my personal coaster hit the high rungs last week--I was offered at a job at a new clinic! It's in a super fun neighborhood, the commute is shorter and it's going to be an amazing experience. It all worked out so beautifully there's really no way I can possibly avoid using another completely over-used phrase.

Everything happens for a reason.


  1. Sometimes these overused phrases seem like the only way to express ourselves. I am sorry to hear of your job loss but on the other hand you were able to find a new clinic right away! I am sure being able to continue seeing the majority of your clients will make for an easy transition. Best of luck! ~Val

  2. YAY JENN!! So happy you landed on your feet ;)

  3. oh man, i was really sad for you and your clients for a moment there. happy ending!!

  4. Appropriately enough, this post was an emotional roller coaster too! I'm sure it's sad to see so many of your clients go and also the end of your first practice, but I am glad to hear everything has worked out okay in the end. Best wishes!!!!

  5. Cheesy but true....everything really does happen for a reason! That one I actually believe. So sorry to hear about your current job and congrats on the new one!!

  6. I was wondering where you were! I'll take an overused catch phrase over overused office sports analogies anyday. But I don't really see you busting those out, so we're good. And congrats man! What a huge freaking sigh of relief that must be. I don't deal well with change, so I can't imagine trying to deal with it for not only you, but for all your peeps. But hooray!

  7. I am so glad it all worked out. What an awful feeling. Cliches are OK when coming from you. You manage to make them funny. :)

  8. Awww. Jenn, I'm so happy this post ended well. Gosh, you totally took me on that rollercoaster with you! I was like, "what's going to happen!!??" and then you wrap it all up at the end like a nice little package. Super fabulous.

    Love you girl and it was so cool to hear how you touch others lives. I had no idea that you were even more cooler than I already thought!!! (all's well that ends well, right? had to add that.)

  9. Jenn, you poor thing to have gone through all of that. I am just super duper happy that you've got a new brilliant job that helps and touches the lives of others! It's even more fantastic that you get to take most of your clients too, hope the others will be well looked after.

  10. That is stressful...I am happy you found a new place thought! Everything does happen for a reason...as cheesy as it is!!!

  11. I am so happy for you! It's funny how things like this always work out in the end. Like a blessing in disguise. Hope that isn't an overused phrase that makes your face shrivel!

  12. I hope it all keeps working out for you, I can't imagine the ups and downs! I 'lost' my job a couple years ago, too, due to financial reasons for the company and minus the stress of your clients, I understand that rollercoaster!
    Also, on a maybe inappropriate note, can I tell you that I am jealous that you have a job that you actually love?!...
