{stories and snapshots from my new york city life.}


My So-Called Unemployed Life

I've been unemployed a week and a half. I have to admit, it doesn't really suit me. I get bored and antsy and twitchy when I have too much idle time on my hands. My boyfriend was worried I'd go a bit stir-crazy without a job. My father was worried I'd take up drinking. I ended up doing a little bit of both.

This drinkin' is more dangerous than vodka. Blood-orange soda poured over vanilla ice cream. Like a creamsicle on crack. But sucking back neon dessert drinks isn't the only thing I've been up to lately.

I spent some q-time in and around the house, playing with my computer, poring through cookbooks, and reading and relaxing in the sunshine. 

I even (sorta) learned how to use Photoshop.

But after reorganizing my closet and alphabetizing my spice drawer, I knew it was time to get out of the house. I took the train everyday into the city to take long, leisurely (and sweaty) walks around my favorite neighborhoods.

Riveting, no? Clearly it's time to go back to work. I start tomorrow. Wish me luck.


  1. I am an AMAZING unemployed person. I could teach you how. I am so productive when I have absolutely nothing to do.

  2. Hooray for start of new J-O-B! If Vin ever gets out of work at a decent hour, we'll come meet you in your new work hood for a celebratory meal at Yaffa!!

  3. What a great post! I enjoyed the photo journey-it told the story. Congrats on the new job!


  4. Good luck with the new job cupcake!
    I hope it goes well... Those photos are awesome!

  5. Loved the photos!I love NY and good luck on the new job. :)

    P.S. You have really nice hair.

  6. good luck. cant wait until i get back into the city to celebrate unemployment. unfortunately i dont have a job lined up- not really complaining!


  7. Best of luck to you!! I'm waiting to get the yes or no about a job I applied for ..looking forward to telling my current boss to suck it! lol

  8. That drink will be on my mind all day- I'm daring myself to try it. Just added to the grocery list: Orange Soda & Vanilla Ice Cream.

    Liv @ bklynlifestyle.blogspot.com

  9. Good luck! I just stated a new job this week... today was day 3. :) And that blood orange soda poured over ice cream sounds like an amazing idea to me!
