{stories and snapshots from my new york city life.}


When Friends Create a Wedding Website

Yesterday was pretty bland until my friends Bridget and Chris sent out an email to tell our (sarcastic) group of friends about their new wedding website. After news spread of the site, Bridget and Chris promptly received numerous sincere notes of congratulations from a very wide range of potential attendees in their guest book. The happy couple is probably wishing they sent out paper save-the-dates right about now...

Guest Book

We're too eager to wait until June!  We'd love to hear from you now!
You guys must have money. Must be nice.
from: Nancy
1/17/2012 10:28:33 PM

from: Guinness
1/17/2012 6:42:39 PM
Bet you can't make it to 20.
from: Guinness
1/17/2012 6:41:54 PM

better have an open bar
or else i won't come
from: mr. haiku
1/17/2012 6:30:03 PM
Made you look.
from: Finger Pointing to Palm
1/17/2012 6:25:08 PM
All of us heere at my big pumpkin patch
wish you the BEST and congrats on your catch
We're glad you're finally going to tie the knot.
HOPE I'm inviiited but proobably not.
from: ~ Plumpity Plumperstein ~
1/17/2012 6:25:07 PM

I'll be there!
from: The Jackson Five
1/17/2012 6:20:07 PM

Who wants to go to your nasty ass wedding anyway?
from: The Honey Badger
1/17/2012 5:01:04 PM

I'll be there, but not as an attendee. I'll be there searching for the real killers.
from: OJ Simpson
1/17/2012 4:26:36 PM
Dear Miss Bridget,
I see that your temporary trip to Earth for "supplies" seems to have been extended. I just thought I should tell you that your Spaceship restaurant ran out of napkins about 5 years ago, straws 3 years ago, paper towels 6 months ago, and toilet paper yeterday. Our blue plate chili specials are going strong, particularly because you did not leave enough oxygen for the rest of the kitchen staff.
Hope your wedding is magical and all.
Love Marianna (Seating hostess)
PS - I heard the shuttle program disbanded and all, but do you think you could find someway to send us back the bathroom key? Maybe strap it to a big rocket or something - I don't know how much longer I can keep my legs crossed.
from: Seating hpstess - Bridget's spaceship restaurant
1/17/2012 4:24:18 PM

You guys have any friends in Tech Support?
from: Carley & The Knot Team
1/17/2012 3:52:17 PM

Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!
from: Sock Monkey
1/17/2012 3:02:57 PM

from: Tony Danza
1/17/2012 2:42:13 PM
Don't try to put EVERYTHING you want on the registry. You'll have multiple opportunities!
from: Elizabeth Taylor
1/17/2012 2:39:52 PM
Shut up, whore!!
from: Kris Humphries
1/17/2012 2:34:41 PM
Good luck!!!
from: Kim Kardashian
1/17/2012 2:34:12 PM

Dearest Hello to You,

I would like to offer congraduations to you and you. As a gift of wedding present, pleaes send me your bank account numbers ans social security for I could transfer my royal endowment. I need yoru help. Just send numbers. No time for explain.
from: Nigerian Prince
1/17/2012 2:26:18 PM
What is this? A guest book? Pffft...
from: Facebook
1/17/2012 2:23:09 PM
Magnets. How do they work?
from: Insane Clown Posse
1/17/2012 2:19:11 PM
Hang on!
from: Batman
1/17/2012 2:18:21 PM

Very pleased that you scheduled your wedding before 12/21/12. Good job!! Alas, I cannot attend because I was killed in a mass genocide after some no directions having doofus "discovered" this continent.
from: Mayan Priest
1/17/2012 2:15:51 PM

When I invented the internet, my vision was that a beautiful couple like you could use it to post such a wonderful website. Congrats. Unfortunately, I will be jetsetting around the globe in my private aircraft in the name of environmental conservation.

from: Al Gore
1/17/2012 2:12:37 PM
from: Jealous Ex
1/17/2012 2:10:46 PM
Come with me if you want to live.
from: The Terminator
1/17/2012 2:10:12 PM
Hey guys!! Congrats. Wish I could make it, but I'll be campaigning.



from: Barack Obama
1/17/2012 2:09:40 PM

Congratulations from The Knot! All the best for happy planning and a fantastic wedding.
from: Carley and The Knot Team
10/14/2011 2:22:22 PM


  1. What's this? A Blog? PFfft...

    - Bridget and Chris' Guestbook

  2. Ha. Exactly why I will elope if I ever get married. Too many smart ass friends :-)

  3. I live here. You will obey me.

  4. This settles it. I definitely am having a guest book on my wedding website (assuming I make one).

  5. Haha, so many of these comments are priceless! I LOVE sharing some nice, dry humor with friends. Contrats to the happy couple!

  6. LOL this is awesome. how many of these were from you?
